Work at Whittern

Family owned Whittern Farms on the Herefordshire Welsh Borders is much more than a farm, an estate or an agribusiness. Employing around 25 people we offer a nurturing environment and a great atmosphere for work where we lead a team of well-trained and happy employees. We value Respect, Innovation, Commitment, Honesty, Efficiency and Reliability. Together we are RICHER – metaphorically, emotionally and literally!  This has helped foster a loyal, experienced and passionate team. From time to time opportunities do arise, often following internal promotions, and we welcome interest from potential candidates with similar values and ambition.

Here are our people that work within the Whittern Farms team, and please contact the relevant person if you have any queries or interest in joining the team.

Jo Hilditch

Owner and Managing Director

Jo is 4th generation of the Green family. She came back to the farm from a career in PR and Marketing in London and has been running the farm since 1997 when her father died. Her passion has been diversification, creating a great environment for her staff to live and work in an agricultural environment but with interesting side lines and developments. She loves a project… the current one is a vineyard!

James Wright

Farm Manager

Following completion of a BSc (Hons) Degree James began his career at the Whittern in 2011 as assistant farm manager, taking over as farm manager in 2013. He keeps a close eye on all aspects of the farm from poultry to excellent fruit husbandry through to estate maintenance. His expertise and intelligence in every field keeps the business running like clockwork.

Greg Taylor

Assistant Farm Manager

A great new addition to our team. Greg comes with lots of experience in agriculture and as James right-hand man he will ably support in all aspects of our farming operations. A positive force for good and we are enjoying his smiling face.

Paul Harter

Senior Poultry Manager

Paul has been at Whittern Farms overseeing the safe and responsible production of our poultry offering since 2008. He is a very safe pair of hands and has an academic approach to ensuring that all the right practices are followed at the farm and we always produce great quality birds for the nations plates.

Slavi Markov

Poultry Manager

The one, the only 'Slavi' consistently produces the finest quality chickens at Hollybush Farm. Ably assisted by his father Vlad they work tirelessly to ensure the job gets done.

Graham Hill

Poultry Manager

Graham joined us in 2021, coming from a background in game management Graham has a thirst for knowledge and the enthusiasm required to learn to manage our largest poultry site - Hunton

Craig Evans

Heating, Renewables and Electrical engineer

With a strong background in commercial heating and renewable energy systems Craig joined our team in 2021. He is kept busy maintaining our biomass boiler systems, holiday cottages and private rentals.

Karon Cooper

Senior Admin and Bookkeeper

Karon is a proper perfectionist. Her passion is figures which we are delighted about as we rather get on with our day jobs whilst she ensures that every part of the business is properly accounted for. Woe betide the person who fails to give in their Amazon purchase VAT receipt.

Mel George

Holiday Property Manager

Mel is a great asset to our team. Her organisational prowess has whipped us into shape to ensure that all our holiday guests are as happy as they can be all the time. She's a great team player, and fabulously friendly with all our welcome guests!

Housekeeping Team

Shan Haynes, Nadya Vankova, Didi Markova and Emily Newman - here pictured with Mel for Emilys birthday – they all whistle while they work and have enormous pride in their work making sure that all the properties looking shining, clean and well appointed for our guests.

Gary Bridge

Farm Worker

Gary is a Whittern Farms third generation farm worker. Always reliable and an expert on blackcurrants. Gary’s father Mike, his mother Sheila and his grandfather Tom have all given years of their lives to the Whittern Estate.

Lawrence Roberts

Farm Worker

Lawrence is our apple expert. Originally an orchard man at Bulmers in their enormous Herefordshire orchards, Lawrence now works for us pruning, spraying and harvesting and keeping the orchards looking smart and tidy.

Sebastian Lazarewicz

Poultry Maintenance Engineer

Sebastian keeps our poultry sheds working in tip top condition. Having worked in construction for many years prior to joining our team in 2012. Always wearing a smile Sebastian will fix any issue large or small to a high standard.

Chris Williams

Estate and Farm maintenance

Chris is a solid character, straightforward and a steady hand in a crisis. Equally expert on a digger as with a paintbrush or making doors, repairing toilets or putting up fences, Chris has been with us for 15 years and reliably turns up in his trusty landrover day after day.


Vineyard specialist

Osyp is from Ukraine. He arrived here very soon after the Russian invasion. He comes from a farming background, and luckily for us has looked after vineyards back home. Come rain or shine, or even snow Osyp is an incredible worker and amazingly positive despite all his country is suffering. Here in March snow where he was pruning all 22,000 plants.

Mike Newman

Farm Support worker

Mike will turn his hand to anything, but is a very able assistant on the farm as well as to Craig in our biomass operations. He works hard on the chicken litter burners, is an ace tractor driver and generally can turn his hand to anything on the farm.

Di Rogers

Brand & Marketing Manager

Di has joined us to bring all our marketing up to scratch. Looking at our corporate profile and managing our social media channels for the properties, the brand new bike rides as well as the drinks. Di comes from years of experience and we are excited about what she will bring.

Sheila Bridge

Poultry Key Worker

Sheila, employed by Jos father at the very beginnings of Sun Valley poultry in the 60s, has provided a lifetime of service to the business. In later years Sheila still steps in to help out on all of our poultry farms as and when she can. Sheila spends many hours walking Jo's dog Emily around our lovely footpaths!

Emily the Dog

Golden Labrador

Emily is part of the furniture. Sweet natured and gentle, she's often seen around all parts of the farm behind Jo on her bike, or having a general rummage! We can't say she's much of a retriever, but we can't do without her!